Welcome To The Real Estate Licensing Register

If you are looking for a property intermediary and would like to verify whether such person is licensed/authorised to operate as a Property Intermediary, either:

Enter the identity card number of the person or the Licence Number

Jekk qed tfittex intermedjarju tal-proprjetà u tixtieq tivverifika jekk tali persuna hijiex liċenzjata/awtorizzata biex topera bħala Intermedjarju tal-Proprjetà, jew:

Daħħal in-numru tal-karta tal-identità tal-persuna jew in-Numru tal-Liċenzja

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Please be advised that the register is updated periodically.

Ġentilment ninfurmawk li r-reġistru jiġi aġġornat perjodikament.

“For more information, kindly call us on +356 22481500 or send us an email on enquiriesreab@gov.mt. In the meantime, we invite you to visit our webpage to help you address any Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) or seek any general information which you may require.

Għal iktar tagħrif ġentilment nitolbuk iċċemplilna fuq +356 22481500 jew tibgħatilna imejl fuq enquiriesreab@gov.mt. Sadattant nistiednuk iżżur is-sit elettroniku tagħna sabiex tindirizza mistoqsijiet frekwenti jekk kwalunkwe tagħrif ġenerali li għandek bżonn.”

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